Adam Law Firm is an innovative, flexible law firm, focusing on delivering quick and
reliable legal advisory and representation services to our clients.
We tailor our services to the specific requirements of the client and provide a
comprehensive and to the point advice. Solutions that the Clients can rely on.
We offer our Clients an unmatched performance and a competitive pricing policy.
Through a network of almost any field of both private and governmental
jurisdiction. We have the capability to offer reliable legal support in any crossborder transaction, however complex may be.
Our Clients range from large international companies to emerging start-ups. They
come from various industries.
Our Services:-
Property development and investment
Cross border financing
Corporate law
Company Formation
Banking and Finance
Mergers & Acquisitions
Intellectual property
Copy right
Telecommunication and IT
Labor and employment
Company restructuring
Dept recovery
Bankruptcy and insolvency
Real State
Marine laws
Our work is guided by our values:
Professionalism means that we always strive to seek the optimal solutions for our
Clients. Solution that the client may rely upon. Though personal approach we
strive that working with us is a positive and enjoyable experience.Responsivness
and timely provision of services is of paramount importance In today’s demanding
business environment.
We are worthy of the believe that the Clients vest in us. We act sincerely, honesty
and with integrity. We strive to build and maintain a spirit of mutual believe and
confidence with our Clients.
Barkhad Omar Ali,LLB
With nine years of experience and deep understanding of both local and
international context and Somali litigations.
Mobile 🙁 252) 0634419367